Time to create 1 (Tijd voor maken) is a book for composing music with and for your own instrument.
Discover the wonderful world of creating with the help of 50 new and inspiring assignments.
While making music and experimenting, your personal creations arise. Take up the challenge and become the performer of your own music!

Time to create 2, creating with groups (Tijd voor maken 2) is a book about making music and composing together.
Discover the wonderful world of creating together with the help of 50 inspiring creation assignments for groups.
With the additional books Open Scores 1 and 2, you can also perform some assignments from this book with many different ensembles.

The Open Scores 1 are compositions which are constructed in such a way that they can be adapted by the musicians.
Five creation assignments explain how each composition can be changed into a new form. This way, musicians can engage in the creative process. This material is available for different instrumentations. Furthermore, the version for wind instruments is made for a variable instrumenotation. Because an optional piano is added in the score, there are many combinations possible, from duo+piano to a complete wind band.

Each book contains 20 songs to sing the whole year round. The songs have many different kinds of subjects: Festivities such as Christmas and Halloween, animals, funny stories, books, food, emotions, media, nature and many more. Ideal material to use in the classroom or in music school!
Liedjeleuk 1 Songbook
Age 5-8
Piano Accompa-niments (+CD)
Liedjeleuk 3 Songbook
Age 8-11
Piano Accompa-niments (+CD)
Liedjeleuk 5 Songbook
All Ages
Piano Accompa-niments (+CD)
Liedjeleuk 2 Songbook
Age 7-10
Piano Accompa-niments (+CD)
Liedjeleuk 4 Songbook
Age 10-16
Piano Accompa-niments (+CD)

This book was written to use in the first year of solfege in music schools. Each lesson starts with a simple song that can be sung or played on the recorder or another instrument. The emphasis lays on playful learning, step by step. A basis of music theory and hearing excersises are also included.

This songbook contains the complete piano reduction of the musical ‘Zaad van Satan’.
All songs as well as choir parts are included in this songbook.
Zaad van Satan